martes, 23 de junio de 2015

Pronunciar la "R" en español

¡Hola a todos!
 Hoy (today) we are going to give you some tips about how pronounce the "R" in Spanish.

Is been Known that the most difficuls word to pronounce in Spanish is the "R" that is why I am doing this post. Before doin the sound of "R" let me give you some advises.

 1. Is not an "active movement" of the tonge. The tonge has to be like a flag flapping in your mouth, the sound is made by the air flow.

2. This is the right position.

3. Then you just have to keep some air and then flick your tongue. (tongue as a flag)

I have found that vídeo to show you the right position of the tongue and some tips like the similarity between ;

Palabra en Español: "para"

palabra en inglés: Butter, ladder

RETO DE LA SEMANA:  (Challenge of the week)

Are you having fun with that word "R"?? yes you do.

Show us how you pronounce this words in Spanish.

¿PREPARADOS? ¿LISTOS? ¿YA?!!!!!  (Ready?steady?Go?!)

Please join your pronountiation with us with Soundcloud in that group  pronunciar la R

¡Hasta luego!

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

10 common questions in Spanish

¡Hola a todos!
Today whe are going to learn how to ask and the most common questions in Spanish.

¡Mira y compara! (look and compare!)

Spanish questions

English questions 

Now I want to show you a video about how to ask in spanish.

 I hope you enjoyed the video!

¡Ahora es tiempo para practicar! (now is practice time!)

Contesta a las preguntas (answer the questions)

1. ¿cuántos años tienes?

2. ¿de dónde eres?

3. ¿de qué color tienes los ojos?

4. ¿cuál es tu color favorito?

5, ¿tienes hermanos?

6. ¿cómo se llama tu hermano?

I looking forward to see your anwers!!


Can you add more spanish questions?

3 Important spanish Proverbs "Refranes españoles"

Hola a todos!
Today we are going to talk about spanish proverbs and the importance of those.
The spanish culture is sometimes hussy and mischievous and most of the spanish speakers use a proverbs because is a complement, I will say very usefull, of spanish languaje. Furthermore it will make you sound as a spanish advance leaner.

1. "Al mal tiempo, buena cara"
 What do you think it means?
1. when everything goes wrong, you shoud keep on smiling
2. You are going to get wet
3. Today is a beatuful day

Anwer: 1. when everything goes wrong, you shoud keep on smiling

Example situation / Imagine you did an spanish test and you failed, after that a friend of yours decides to go partyig with you and forget about the exam . in that situation we will say "Al mal tiempo, buena cara"

Similar meaning proveb in english / "when life give you lemons, make lemonade"

2. "Borrón y cuenta nueva"
What do you think it means?
1. give up
2. start again, try it
3. Survive 

Answer: 2. start again, try it

Example situation: You already break up with your boyfriend, you are very sad but a your spanish friend says " haz borrón y cuenta nueva"(you forget about him and try again) 

Similar proverb in english/ "To wipe the slate clean"

3. "Matar dos pájaros de un tiro"

what do you think it means?
1. lets go hunting
2. solve two problems at one time with a single action. 
3. lets throw stones!

Answer: 2. solve two problems at one time with a single action.

Example situation/ I have to cash a check and make a payment on my bank loan. 

Similar english proverb/ "kill two birds with one stone"

¡Espero que os guste! (I hope you like it!)

Five important tips to learn spanish

¡Hola a todos! (hello everyone!) In this post I would like to give you some tips about learning Spanish. As I am a English learning, I know how hard and difficult can be learn a new lenguage! but listen "las dificultades preparan a personas comunes para destinos extraordinarios" (the difficulties train common people for extraordinary destiny). 

Primer paso (first step) to lean spanish or any language you need  motivation. Carry on!, keep on going! Nunca abandones (never give up)

Segundo paso (Second step), find out webs for learning spanish and try it! in internet there are lots of   possibilities. 
BBC has a free spanish lessons, "¡Echa un vistazo!"(have a look!)

Tercer paso (third step), Be proud of your mistakes, if there is no mistakes, there is no learning. forget your sentido del ridículo (sense of the ridiculous) it won´t help you. The positive way is laugh of our mistakes and trust in your possibilities .

Cuarto paso "Empezar a hablar español" (start talking in spanish) go to an spanish speaker country, if you can not, find  speakers of the language as email pen-pals to communicate with over internet.
Duolingo is  a good program to have an echange with spanish speakers.

Quinto paso. Find a friend to join you at the Spanish challange, always having a partner it will help to keep on going and push each other. "uno para todos y todos para uno" (all for one, one for all)

Last thing! As we live in a colaborative wold I will realy aprecciate your help in my learning english challange, so we can benefit from each other.

 Thanks a million!